Commercial Law
Commercial Contracts
The ability to navigate through the complexities of commercial contracts effectively can often be the key to success in business. CCS Law provides a wide spectrum of commercial contract services with the purpose of protection of your interests and soundness of your contracts legally.
Capable lawyers in both Turkish and English law will guide you through preparing, reviewing, and amending a wide variety of contracts in the best possible light for your needs.
Extensive experience in the following types of commercial contracts:
1. Sales and Purchase Agreements
2. Distribution Agreements
3. Service Contracts
4. Licensing Agreements
5. Franchise Agreement
6. Nondisclosure Agreement
7. Partnership Agreement
8. Joint Venture Agreement
9. Working Agreement
10. Consulting Agreements
11. Shareholders' Agreement
12. Intellectual Property Agreements
13. Manufacturing Agreement
14. Rental Agreements
15. Supply Chain Contracts
Further, the line of commercial contract matters not being out of the line, kindly note that our law firm provides fully drafted agreements, reviewed and amended if necessary, up to enforceability, in tune with relevant Laws and Regulations.
Whether your enterprise is purely local or borders on cross-border transactions, our lawyers can always be relied upon for the legal assistance that you may want to protect your interests and further your business aims.